Saturday, May 26, 2007

Are Lit Blogs Your Bag?*

They should be. Look at what I found in my mailbox today (I ordered it maybe two days ago):

Syntax of Things is responsible. Yes, those are maggots. On the reverse you will find that sad/funny Richard Ford quote JRL mentioned a few days ago. You too can get a magg-bagg, or a tee-shirt, here. I don't, by the way, have any idea who the Syntax of Things guy is -- no kickbacks! -- but I do like his blog. And his bag.

* A couple of years ago, Megan Daum wrote an essay called, I think, "Music Is My Bag." It was about how she gave up music as a teenager because of music-geek culture -- because of the "music is my bag" totes and piano key scarves and so on. I don't remember much about the essay, but, in the weird way certain phrases can stick with you for no good reason, I've thought of "________ is my bag" about once every two weeks since I first read it. It's really annoying, actually. Maybe using it as the title of the blog post will finally purge it from my mind.


Anonymous said...

This made my day! Thanks for buying some maggot gear. I hope you get a lot of good use out of it.

jgodsey said...

i don't understand the 'maggot' thing...

rmellis said...

A publicist for Little, Brown said something like, If newspapers are dying, then bloggers are the maggots come to feed on its rotting corpse.

It's really not very apt. Newspapers are dying because of their intrinsic weaknesses (on paper, dependent on ads, owned by big corps) and bloggers are just using new technology to do a very old thing.

Anonymous said...

Also, the tote bag's inscrutability is part of its charm. Also the maggot photo.